Bersama rekan-rekan PLS UNJ 2002 |
Persahabatan bukanlah sesuatu yang kita pelajari di sekolah. Tapi jika kita belum pernah mempelajari arti persahabatan, berarti kita belum pernah mempelajari apapun. (Muhammad Ali)
Friendship is not something that we learned in school. But if we have never learned the meaning of friendship, that we have never learned anything.
(Muhammad Ali)
Setelah aku baca reader digest yang kubeli tahun 2006, terselip kata bijak ini. dalam film "Post Grad" juga ada kalimat menarik "aku mungkin tidak tahu bagaimana masa depanku tapi aku sudah tahu satu hal. kamu tidak termasuk di bagian itu (masa depan)." Begitu pentingnya sahabat dalam kehidupan kita.
After I read the readers digest that I bought in 2006, tucked into this wisdom. in the film "Post Grad" is a sentence too interesting "I may not know how my future but I already know one thing. you are not included in the section (the future)." Once the importance of friends in our lives.
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